Hi, I’m Kelly

I’m a storyteller.

Whether I’m designing a brand’s identity, building a website, creating social media strategies, crafting art directions, writing a literal book, supporting female founders through Dial Zero Marketing , doing improv comedy, voice-noting my friends about last night, or writing my weekly Substack…I’m always telling a story.

My mission is to help you tell yours – authentically, boldly, and unapologetically. The world needs what you have, and I want to help you share it.

People I collaborate with are: curious, compassionate, trusting, introspective, funny, ambitious, and grounded.

I don’t care if you’re an A-list celebrity or starting a small business in your basement. I care about how you show up to collaborate. Making stuff is the most fun and fulfilling for me when I love the people I’m making it with. I promise, it’s always a blast bringing your vision to life.

Sound like fun? Reach out. In the meantime, CHEERS - hope you’re enjoying your day today.